Follow these steps to get yourself set up on Book That In:

Step 1: Register a Book That In Account
If you don't have one already, create your Book That In account at

Step 2: Create Your Company
Go to and click '+ New Company'
We strongly advise you watch this tutorial on how to create your company so you understand all the videos.

Step 4: Add All Addresses
These are the venues at which you operate. 

Add addresses at Click on the 'Addresses' tab. 

View 'Add Addresses' tutorial here.

Step 5: Create your booking options! 

You can add booking options for 

    a) Group events/classes

    b) Appointments, or 

    c) Subscriptions 

Step 6: OPTIONAL: Group Events Only

   i) Add multiple booking options or 'tickets' to your classes or events with Price Bands and Extras.

   ii) Add Time Slots to allow customers to pick a slot for their booking on a given day.

Step 7: Style Your Booking Page (we call it your Widget)

You can brand your booking page with your logo and match your business colours.

Go to - click 'Widget Editor' 

Step 8: Set up or Link your Stripe account to take payments (if you didn't do this in Step 2) at - click on the Payment Providers tab.

Step 9: OPTIONAL: Embed your widget on your website.

Step 10: Share your booking link with your customers and start taking bookings! Learn about your different options for booking links here.

If you have any questions at all, submit a ticket at